This time ,just a few journal prompts

Dec 12, 2023 11:26 am

Just like undertaking a few vital checks every six months, is important for a healthy body.

On similar grounds , answering a few simple questions can open us up to insights or ideas we may missed paying attention to.

With another two more weeks before this year ends, let's invest some time for ourselves and introspect

You never know, which part of our "self" we may end up finding, in need of our deep love and attention.

So here are a few simple questions, set aside some time and try to answer them for yourself.

Even if you do not find anything, I guarantee you move into the next year more aware and wiser than before, that's the power of self-reflection!


  • What have I done {right} this year?
  • What tricky situation did I navigate well?
  • What were my accomplishments?
  • What attitude helped me this year?
  • How did I meet challenges and frustrations this year?
  • How did I nurture myself?

Thank you for your time and attention.

Mehnaz Amjad

PS: A survey I ran on social media, below are the questions and responses.

If you are interested, do write to me for more details.
