Role of meanings in our mind and lives.

According to the neuroscientist Dr Lisa Feldman Barret, who has been studying emotions for the past 30 years, Dr Lisa in her latest findings concludes-, that there are no emotions, in the language of science, our brain is constantly making prediction...

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Nov 21, 2023
Why you should meet yourself with Kindness

The trauma expert Gabor Mate says; "When someone try to attack us either by words or in real, literally or figuratively ,our brain is designed in a way that it automatically goes into a self defense mode ,with only one intention,which is to keep us s...

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Nov 14, 2023
One minute acceptance method

During my training as a Cognitive Behavior Therapist, I've learned and practiced several tools that have helped me build my resilience.This technique was something I've personally benefitted from in recent times, and then I decided to create it in a...

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Nov 07, 2023
What is Trauma ?

If I ask you to close your eyes and imagine, the word "Trauma" what comes up?I am sure it's mostly dark, and dense and something you feel is tragic, related to a kind of catastrophe, or crisis, and you may immediately open your eyes so that you just...

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Oct 24, 2023
Little Joys of Life

Besides being a Life Coach and a therapist, as an entrepreneur my business coach keeps reminding me of the various strategies for business and marketing year after year, insisting on thinking of my work as a business and focusing on the revenue goals...

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Oct 10, 2023
My relationship to surrender

My relationship with surrender goes back to those difficult years of my life when I was torn between my dream to establish a business, and as a caregiver to my father who got very sickAmidst the emotional roller coaster ride, there were many instance...

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Oct 03, 2023
Important Update Changes to online presence

Dear All,I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates regarding my online presence and content delivery.Firstly, as some of you already know, I recently made the decision to close down my Instagram, Fa...

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Sep 29, 2023

Dear Friends,I hope this note finds you well. I wanted to inform you that I've made the decision to step away from Facebook. In an effort to better focus my efforts and provide more meaningful content and engagement, I've chosen to concentrate on a s...

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Sep 27, 2023