Wise Owl Wednesdays - Issue #3

Feb 12, 2020 6:36 pm

Good morning, good day, and good evening!

Happy almost Valentine's Day if you're into overspending on date night.

It's Wednesday again, and you've made it halfway through the week.

It's time for your weekly dose of Wise Owl Wednesdays.

Each week I share the following:

  • My quote of the week
  • What I am currently reading
  • Tips to make you wise, healthy, and wealthy
  • Any new or relevant Wise Healthy Wealthy articles I think you might enjoy


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Quote of the week:


This weeks quote is all about taking ownership of your circumstances.

If all you do is sit around and complain about what is happening to you, you become a spectator of your own life. Your life and your problems are no one else's responsibility. They are yours and yours alone.

This is one of the hardest pills to swallow, but if you can set your ego aside and embrace the desire to be better, your life can dramatically shift.

You've already started doing that just by subscribing to this weekly newsletter, but you can't stop with that. What problems have you been putting off in your life?

What are you complaining about that you should be taking action on? Maybe your current awful job? Maybe a starving relationship?

Do something about it!

Current Reads - Show Your Work by Austin Kleon


As a writer, creator, and general human being, I seek out creative inspiration sometimes.

It is not always comfortable to sit down at my desk and write articles or this newsletter. When I start to feel like writing is a chore, I pull out this book and its prequel "Steal Like an Artist."

Why this book is awesome:

Well, first off, it has pictures! A lot of super helpful drawings by the Author himself.

Also, sometimes you don't want to read a 300-page book full of dense text. Sometimes I want a lighter read that cuts out all the excess and gets right down to the important information.

That's what this book is for me. I've also noticed that a lot of you are creatives yourselves. This book will 1,000,000% help motivate you to do awesome work.

Plus, it's just a fun book. Fun books are important, too, and deserve your love...on Valentine's week :P.

Links to get this book:

** The links above are affiliate links. If you purchase the books with the links above, I receive a super tiny commission, which helps support this newsletter. Thank you! **

Tips of the week: Wisdom, Health or Wealth

This is a section I want to include each week, but I am not sure if I will.

Let me know if you like this section by replying to this email with your feedback.

Wisdom tip of the week: Read great books multiple times

Books are cool in that they can teach you new things every time you read them.

Humans accumulate knowledge and experience over-time and use that information to create connections in our brains.

If you read a book when you are 18-years-old, and again at 28-years-old, you are going to have two completely different experiences. Hell, with a decade of additional life experience, you might find you are reading an entirely different book!

I mentioned in the first issue of Wise Owl Wednesday I talked about reading the book Start Finishing two times in a row. In the first read through my mind attempted to grasp the larger concepts of the framework, while on the second read through, my mind began to soak in the finer details.

Health tip of the week: Ignore the negativity of others

I bet you've never heard this before, but you can choose to ignore the toxicity of other people.

We all live unique lives. You are not obligated to follow anyone else's path.

Like my wealth tip below- just because other people go out to eat on Valentine's Day doesn't mean it's the smart thing to do.

People judge what they don't understand, and every person on Earth is ignorant in some ways.

One thing I've noticed as I've gotten older, is that the concept of an Adult is kind of a lie. When we were kids we thought the "adults" knew everything. Now that I'm almost 30 I've realized that they didn't know shit, and were just fumbling their way through life doing the best they could.

So, while it may be hard to do, ignore the negativity of others, because they don't know any better than you do.

Wealth tip of the week: Avoid Overspending on Valentine's Day

I tried to avoid making this week's newsletter all about Valentine's Day. I purposefully chose not to use a quote about relationships, but I cannot hold my tongue while so many people overspend on this holiday.

Every year on February 14th, millions of Americans go out to eat with their significant others and drastically overspend.

Restaurants know that couples feel restrained to go on a date on this holiday, so they spike their prices in hopes of turning a huge profit.

You and your significant other are better than that.

Go on a date literally any other day of that week, and you will save money.

This tip goes beyond just Valentine's day.

There are a lot of opportunities to reduce needless spending by paying attention to when restaurants and stores spike their prices.

New Articles

Every week I publish new articles on Medium.

Not every article I write will pertain to wisdom, health, and wealth, but most will!

New or relevant articles I publish will be included here.

Share The Love, and Help Me Help You!

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If you know anyone that could benefit from reading this, please forward it to them.

Also, if you have ideas or thoughts in the following areas, please let me know!

  • Books I should review
  • Topics you would love to read about
  • YouTube videos you'd love to watch

Let me know by replying to this email!

I read all of my emails.

You can also read past issues here!
