Hello Welcome to the YLH Community.Here is replay session link for batch 1Click Here! for Batch 1Here is replay session link for batch 2 Click Here! for Batch 2 Kindly Practice and comment as 'Done'Regards,Team Admin
Hello Welcome to the YLH Community.Here is replay session link Click Here! for replay practical session linkKindly Practice and comment as 'Done'Regards,Team Admin
Hello Welcome to the YLH Community.Here is replay session link Click Here! for replay practical session linkKindly Practice and comment as 'Done'Regards,Team Admin
Hello ,Here is the Mock VIVA Details, this will help you to know what are the areas you are good and any areas can be looked before the exams.This will also raise confidence and to know how do you bring out the concepts that you already knowYou can m...
Hello, Thanks for being a part of YLH Kindly apply for the internship for May monthLast day to register is 25 April 7 pm you can apply on the below Nominate for Internshipif you have complete the course kindly ignore this message Regards,Admin
Hello , Appreciate all efforts that you are putting in dailyHere is the Day 38 Conceptual Mastery ConceptsListen to the Video and update below the Video as donehttps://yoga-learning-hub.teachable.com/courses/yoga-certificaion-optimisation-...
Hello ,Here is the Day 4 Therapy Sessionhttps://yoga-learning-hub.teachable.com/courses/1117509/lectures/24147840Do complete this one today.Update in the Comments below this video as done Regards,Anubhav
Hello ,Welcome to the Mediation Challenge for todayDo it regularly from now, it is ok to miss few days.Below the Video comment as Done, so that can be captured by the systemHere is the day 23 Link, this will work from mobile as wellhttps://yoga-learn...
Hello ,Appreciate all efforts that you are putting in dailyLevel up Practical Session is belowhttps://yoga-learning-hub.teachable.com/courses/yoga-inner-vault-meetup/lectures/33219346Here is the Day 23 Conceptual Mastery Conceptshttps://yoga-learning...
Hello, Please find the replay session link https://yoga-learning-hub.teachable.com/courses/yoga-inner-vault-meetup/lectures/39513080Regards,Admin