Hello ,Just to remind that the YCB Certification Webinar Time 04 PM 22 May IST (sun)Attend a Free YCB AYUSH Yoga Career Planning cum Certification and get all ycb certification detailsClick on the Direct Link to attend the live links,no Registration...
Hello ,One Decision can change your life.Click to Directly join the YCB AYUSH WebinarTopic How to Get YCB AYUSH Certification and make a Successful Career in Yoga part time or full time.Join the below group for all future live web...
Hello ,Just to remind that the YCB Certification webinar Today 4 PM(22 May)Attend a Free YCB AYUSH Yoga Career Planning cum Certification and get all ycb certification detailsClick on the Direct Link to attend the live links,no Registration neededIt...
Hello ,Would you like to become AYUSH MINISTRY Certified (YCB level 1,2, Yoga Therapy) International Yoga Instructor/ Teacher* You are most welcome to join the webinar that will be after the practical sessionWebinar key Notes:1. What is YCB sche...
Hello , Here is the live session schedule Click Here!Regards,Admin
Hello , Thanks for Enrolling to the Yoga Therapist Certification. We are starting with the Assignment from tom. We will send you daily as a part of the Certification process. Assignment 1 will be Theory or practical Assignment 2 will be 15 to 20 m...
Hello ,One Decision can change your life.Click to Directly join the YCB AYUSH WebinarTopic How to Get YCB AYUSH Certification and make a Successful Career in Yoga part time or full time.Join the below group for all future live web...
Hello ,Thanks for being a per of YLH.Todays Meditation SessionAfter completing mention below the video your experience or just type done so that the system will capture that with your name as completed.Do it regularly as that will help a lot while yo...
Hello ,Thanks you for being a part of YLHHere is the Day 34 Therapy Sessionhttps://yoga-learning-hub.teachable.com/courses/1117509/lectures/36452595Do complete this one today. go step by step each dayUpdate in the Comments below this video as done&nb...
Hello ,Appreciate all efforts that you are putting in dailyHere is the Day 28 Conceptual Mastery ConceptsListen to the Video and update below the Video as doneClick Here! for Day 28This will help to have a strong foundation and most topics...