achieve more with group accountability!

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, How would you feel if you can get one or more of the most important goals in your life completed in 2024? How would your life look like when you accomplish or complete that one goal that has...

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Dec 21, 2023
Day 14

Hello, Productive .Multitasking can often lead to reduced productivity. Instead, concentrate on one task at a time and give it your full attention.Think Big, but focus on one thing at a time - The One Thing.The book The One Thing talks about how you...

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Dec 21, 2023
Why Does Group Accountability Work So Well?

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, You might have been in a situation where you’ve set yourself a goal, only to lose motivation and give up on it. This is where group accountability can help!Group accountability is when you join f...

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Dec 20, 2023
Day 13

Hello, Productive .Establish boundaries with work and personal life to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout.Boundary creates healthy communication with you and others. It tells them what you can and can not accept as a person.It i...

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Dec 20, 2023
The doors shall close soon.

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, Are you a female coach who's looking at completing an impactful project in 2024?Do you have a deadline to meet a goal you've set for yourself in 2024 but need to know how to go about it?Do you an...

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Dec 19, 2023
Day 12

Hello, Productive .I remember as though it was yesterday. In 2019, I decided that enough was enough. I was going to say No to things that don't align with my vision and goals and only accept events and collaborations that make me excited.If you’re a...

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Dec 19, 2023
Have you filled this form?

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, I'd love to read from you about a new email segment I want to start in 2024.I've been thinking about it a lot and wasn't able to decide, hence the reason I urgently need your help, .Apart from my...

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Dec 18, 2023
what's your most important 2024 goal?

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, You want to complete that book close to your heart but you can't.You want to be consistent in your walks or runs to shed the extra pound but you can't. You want to write and publish your aut...

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Dec 18, 2023
How did your weekend go?

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, My family and I attended an event here in Abuja called Gamification 4.0. It was our first time attending though it's been going on for the past four years.Since we didnt know what to expect, we i...

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Dec 18, 2023
Day 11

Hello, Productive .It's time to take action!Your task for today is to put into action the four different ways of using your Google calendar by creating your work timetable.As a professional working from home or at a 9 to 5, you need to have a schedul...

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Dec 18, 2023