Have you filled this form?

Dec 18, 2023 1:01 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

I'd love to read from you about a new email segment I want to start in 2024.

I've been thinking about it a lot and wasn't able to decide, hence the reason I urgently need your help, .

Apart from my usual email to you, I want to have one that I send to you every fortnight about a particular topic. This email shall help you accomplish a particular area of your life or business.

Here's where I need your help.

Kindly help fill the attached form by clicking the button below.

Pick the topic that's most endearing to you related to book writing, publishing, marketing & sales, words of wisdom and productivity.

The topic with the highest number becomes the topic for the fortnight emails.

Are you ready for absolute transformation?


Click Here To Fill The Form!

Thank you so much for your help, . I deeply appreciate it.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are the 3 ways you can increase your income and achieve your 2023 goals (before it ends) as a coach or consultant:

1. Apply for your Group BCAB (Book Clarity in A Box) Masterclass with me for March 2023. This is where you get a 3-hour session with me in a group setting to create your detailed nonfiction book blueprint. Imagine digging out the gold of your book! Ready to finish 2023 strong? Send your mail through this email. There are only 10 slots available.

2. Book your One on One Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB, a 1 on 1, one-off 2-hour session with me virtually where you walk away with a detailed book blueprint to go ahead and write your book on your own.

3. Join the cohort for January to March 2024 of our amazing group accountability mastermind, Simply Get Things Done. This is for you if you've got a book project that you need me to kick your bum to achieve on a deadline!πŸ˜ƒ
