Your body is like a car in more ways than you think.
Nov 22, 2020 12:39 pm
Hey !
I hope you’ve had an awesome week😊.
Today was my first day in a gym since March.
It’s so great to be back.
I feel like doing one giant happy dance.
When I was working out today with my wife we were talking about the importance of building the mechanical functions of the body.
Once the body functions correctly it will be easier to build muscle.
The more muscle we build the less fat we have.
The goal should always be function and form when it comes to lifting weights.
The rest will naturally start to take care of itself.
So we’re going to go into 9 different levels of lifting experience.
Once you know what level you’re at you’ll know how to progress yourself seamlessly.
Experience lifter with outstanding form.
Usually these people have at least 2 consecutive years under their belt without stopping and their form is outstanding. Every lift they do is done without breaking form. They’ll usually lift heavy weights and make it look effortless.
Experienced lifter with solid form.
These guys can have the same amount of lifting experience as the one above but they’re a little more shaky with their lifting form.They can do full range but but their form will break down at some point during the lifting movement but only for the smallest part of the movement. They often need to drop back the weight slightly to make sure correct form is maintained.
Experienced lifter with poor form.
Has been lifting for just as long as the first 2 but there form is all over the place due to practicing the wrong way over so many years. Often the hardest to correct. The best way to progress is to drop the weight back significantly until correct form is established.
Intermediate lifter with outstanding form.
These guys have under 2 years experience but every lift they perform they practice with meticulous precision. They don’t usually lift quiet as heavy because they understand the importance of good form.
Intermediate lifter with solid form.
Often these guys lift a little too heavy too early. They have good form but they’ll progress the weight even when the form breaks down and may not be aware that their form is fading. They need keep the weight at a point where they can hold outstanding form.
Intermediate lifter with poor form.
Usually this guy will try to jump in and lift the weight their friends are lifting when they aren’t even close to ready. As a result their form looks terrible and they’re leaving themselves open to get hurt. They need to drop the weight back until outstanding form is established and progress it from there.
Inexperienced lifter.
Even though these types haven’t lifted weights before they’re often the easiest to train because they haven’t had the chance to develop bad habits. They need to progress slowly but also have the potential to progress quickly if they practice the correct way.
Lifted before but not for a long time.
Often these guys can pick up things quickly because they’ve lifted before but it all depends on the condition their body is in when they start lifting again. If their movement range is limited it’s best to progress very slowly until the correct form is picked up.
New to lifting.
These guys fall into a similar category as the inexperienced lifter. If their range of movement is limited then they need to progress very slowly. If their range of movement is good they can progress a lot faster.
Still need more clarity?
Be sure to email back and ask for more clarity.
The more clarity you have about where you currently sit the easier it will be to progress forwards.
Find a way for your body to function without breaking down.
Then you’ll be in a prime position to build on top of your progress.
See you next week.
Fit From The Heart.