Week 3- Nighttime routine.
Jul 19, 2020 11:01 am
Hey !
This week we move on to the nighttime routine.
This is definitely vital to everything else working.
If it doesn’t then every other routine we’ve gone through so far will be very difficult to keep up if the nighttime routine isn’t rock solid.
We’re tying our nighttime routine in with our morning and afternoon routines this week.
Their will only be ONE POINTS system for the morning, afternoon and nighttime routines.
So this is what we’re going to do.
0-3 point total= “I DROPPED THE BALL” GIF
3-6 points (at least 1 point for morning, afternoon and nighttime routines) = your best ”OK” GIF.
6-9 (at least 2 points for morning, afternoon and nighttime routines) = your best ”ALMOST THERE” GIF.
10+ (at least 3 points for morning, afternoon and nighttime routines) = your best ”IT’S TIME TO DANCE” GIF.
This is our point system structure.
Meditation = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Breathing = 1 point for every round.
Barefoot walking = 2 points for every 10 minutes.
Coldest shower = 1 point for every 15 seconds.
Meditation = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Walking = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Breathing = 1 point for every round.
Contrast = 1 point for each 15 second hot and cold cycle.
Meditation = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Hot shower or bath = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Stretching neck, hips and shoulders = 1 point for every 10 minutes.
Lights and tech out before 9pm = 3 points.
The most common number across your routine cycle is the category you'll fall into.
EXAMPLE- 3 for morning, 2 for afternoon and 2 for nighttime means you'll fall into the 6-9 category.
IF YOU get different numbers on all your routines you'll naturally default to the LOWEST NUMBER.
Have fun and compete HARD AGAINST YOURSELF from the DAY BEFORE.
That's the only person you want to compete against and that's exactly why this game is designed the way is:)
Good luck and GO GET IT!