Celebrate small wins

Jul 19, 2024 12:59 am

Happy Thursday, !


No one wants to hear this, but…

👉 Making major changes in your health and fitness takes time.

That means you probably won’t see results as quickly as you want to.

It also means that if you’re serious about achieving your goals, you HAVE to find a way to enjoy the process.

The easiest way to do that? Make a BIG deal out of your small wins along the way!

I’m serious…

Your pants fit a little looser? Celebrate!

Have more energy when you wake up in the morning? Celebrate!

Jog a mile without stopping? Celebrate!

These milestones might seem insignificant, but they’re key for keeping you going.

And bonus, when you take the time to acknowledge your wins, you build self-confidence and self-efficacy (knowing that you can do hard things!).

So, how do you celebrate your small wins? 🎉

Well, they should align with your mission. For example, rocking a big ice cream sundae every time you hit a weight loss milestone would work against your goal.

But some things that will help?

•Give yourself a social shoutout! Make a quick post about your journey and talk about your accomplishments and what you’ve learned. You never know who you might inspire!

• Take a little “you” time. How about a massage or picking up a new book?

•Get yourself a new outfit or some workout clothes. This can also be a big self-esteem booster.

•New gear! Grab a cushiony new yoga mat, some resistance bands, a kettlebell, or a pair of sneakers.

If you’re not used to celebrating yourself, this can all feel a little weird at first…

Just try it, and if you need help figuring out what this all means, click here to reserve a spot on my calendar.

Committed to your success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

w: https://rsomaperformance.com

e: ludwight@lurigueur.com

Booking Page: shor.by/RSPbookPage

