Aug 28, 2024 11:59 pm

Happy Wednesday, !


🧘 Want to feel CALMER and more CENTERED more often? 

After working with hundreds of clients to help them relieve their achy joints and muscle pain, I’ve found that stress management is a huge piece of the puzzle. 

Too many of us are scrambling around on autopilot, trying to multitask and not doing any *ONE* thing as best as we could. 

If you can relate, here’s a quick way to reel in that chaos 

⬇️ Set a timer for 20-30 minutes and practice SINGLE-TASKING (e.g., focusing on ONE TASK at a time). 

Simple? Yes. 

But that’s the point! 

Notice how much calmer, centered, and more focused you feel when you give yourself space to do just ONE thing at a time. 

It may not seem like this is connected to your strength training or therapeutic exercises for your achy joints.

But the reality is that when we’re calmer and more focused, we tend to make better decisions about our health and wellness.

Makes sense, right? 

If you want to tune into your body even more, my new “Food & Mood” journal helps you track how your moods affect your eating habits and vice versa. Email me the word “MOOD” and I’ll send it over for free!

Committed to your success, ​

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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