
Nov 05, 2023 12:21 am

Happy Saturday, !


When it comes to what makes people successful with their fitness program, there are some big misconceptions.

Most people are hyper-focused on the perfect combination of exercises, sets, and reps and how much weight they’re lifting.

Now, don’t get me wrong … those things are important. But that’s the bare minimum an effective trainer or coach should be putting together for you without you having to think about it.

Most people – and when I say most, I essentially mean all – don’t need more exercise variety. They don’t need a better periodization table (i.e. progressions through a variety of sets and reps designed to produce a stimulus).

They don’t need more intensity or more volume. In fact, if anything, they need less of both … and more recovery.

What they really need is resilience.

When things get rough, how do they respond?

When their schedule gets busy, do they get to the gym a little less – but still get there – and do some exercise at home instead?

Most people follow the all-or-nothing approach, and that’s why they’re so frustrated with their fitness plans and results.

All or nothing doesn’t work.

Being resilient is the answer.

Not giving up or giving in when challenges emerge. Because, you know, this is life, and challenges are always going to emerge.

Not letting a bad day of eating and/or drinking turn into a bad week.

Not letting one skipped workout turn into three … and then six … and then …

Resilience is the missing link in most people’s fitness.

Make it an amazing evening,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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