Get Ahead

Sep 27, 2023 12:16 am

Happy Tuesday, !


It’s not even Oct. 1 yet, so I don’t want to alarm you.

But as a reader of this newsletter, you’re smarter than the average bear.

You know that there are times of year when it’s more challenging to stay on top of our fitness and nutrition routines.

And one of those times of year is right around the corner.


Remember to grab your FREE Copy of the Ultimate Post-Workout & Recovery Guide as my gift to you. Click Here To Download your Copy NOW

Holiday season.

What’s your plan?

Well, I’ll tell you what most people do.

They get wrapped up in the holidays, throw caution to the wind, and say, “I gain 10 pounds every holiday season no matter what I do … just accept it and move on.”

This self-defeating mindset is why there are so many new faces at the gym every January.

Don’t do this.

Instead, set some realistic goals now and start building some reasonable habits.

Get ahead of the game.

Reject the limiting mindset that causes so many people to gain 10-plus pounds during the holidays.

You can get things moving in the right direction now … so you’ll have more room for error come holiday season and can actually enjoy it.

You see, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is one of the most difficult times to get started with a fitness plan. So many distractions. So many temptations.

And by January, the damage has already been done.

Don’t wait.

Just start.

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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