Invitation to my Soul Body Transformation' Updates!

Jun 28, 2020 4:31 am

Happy Saturday !

The purpose of this message is an invitation to my webinar Tuesday the 30th, at 3:30 pm on what's NEW with my Online Energy Healing Training/Courses "Soul Body Transformation".

Join me Tuesday at 3:30 pm. As a bonus I'll be performing Chakra Clearing, DNA blockage Removal, energize and revitalize your vitality field and more...

If you want to learn more about Energy Work on Healing your ENERGY FORCE, Activating Your DNA then go right ahead to register for Tuesday's webinar. Remember, your frequency controls everything that you see in your reality so if you want to see a different reality, for example, better health or wealth in your life, then you must RAISE your frequency to be able to SEE and MANIFEST this.

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

Have a fantastic weekend,


Click Here To Register


Ludwight Rigueur, ASTh, AST, LMT, SRP

Rigueur Soma Performance 

p: 12032731482




