The cat café 😻 sweet romance via BookSweeps

Mar 04, 2021 3:17 am

Howdy - Thank you for joining the BookSweeps contest! I hope you discover many wonderful new authors this way. You will be added to the "Kris Bock Romance" mailing list, which goes out every two weeks. The next one happens to go out this Friday, when I'll have a book on sale. I include cute cat and wildlife links, humorous voice recognition errors I've had, New Mexico scenery photos, and links to books that are free for review, in Kindle Unlimited, or otherwise of interest.

After I send out this welcome email, I'm going to move you to that list, so please wait until you get the email on Friday if you want to unsubscribe. Otherwise you may have to do so twice.

In the meantime, get your free copy of my novella, Lions and Love at the Cat Café, here. For “13 of the recipes mentioned in Kris Bock's Furrever Friends Sweet Romance series,” go here. I also have books available for free in exchange for reviews. You'll learn more about that in my regular newsletter.


To see all of the cat Café books now, visit the Furrever Friends Sweet Romance series page on Amazon US or Amazon UK.


You can also follow me on Amazon (go to my author page and click on the "Follow" button to the left) or BookBub (button in the upper right corner) if you only want New Release Alerts.

See all of Kris Bock's links.

Thanks for joining me.
