Count to 5 before you scroll…

Aug 28, 2024 1:27 am

Happy Tuesday, !


What if I told you that the reason you could be struggling with your workouts, following your meal plan, or sticking with some of your new healthy habits …

Is your phone?

Hear me out…

When we scroll on our phones, our brains release dopamine — a.k.a. the same “feel-good” chemical we get when we eat our favorite foods or get a hug.

Sounds harmless, right? 

Unfortunately, research is finding that those quick dopamine hits from our phones can create a cycle of instant gratification similar to substance abuse! 

When that happens, our brains start to prefer those quick, satisfying dopamine hits over any sort of delayed gratification…

And as you can imagine, that can make it harder to do things you don’t want to do — like go to the gym when you’d rather sit and scroll. 

My suggestion? 

The next time you catch yourself grabbing your phone just to scroll, count to five. 

If you still feel the urge, do something active for just five minutes instead.

Take a short walk, stretch, or even just step outside for a breath of fresh air. 

This small break can help reset your brain and give you a burst of energy and focus!


One of the best ways to become more aware of your habits is to work with a coach / join a program like Online SomaTraining 

for extra accountability. 

Like one of my Clients “Howard Wenig” in Florida who’s Pain Free to Play Golf every week and trains Online with me every week to get stronger and healthier. image

So many people stop themselves from investing in a coach / program like this because they already know what they SHOULD be doing to [reach their #1 goal - but they’re missing the accountability and feedback to actually make it happen! 

If that sounds like you, I still have 7 spots available and you can sign up/ apply here.

Or email me back for any questions.

You might be surprised what another set of eyes on your routine, habits, and mindset can do for your results! 

Committed to your success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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