My current morning routine

Sep 21, 2021 3:01 pm

Happy Tuesday, !


If you’ve been keeping up this month, you’ll know we’ve been diving deep into the power of routines this month. Especially routines that help you get your day off to a GREAT start.

I thought it might be helpful to see what my own personal morning routine looks like!

Dynamic Warm-Up, Movements Meditation (Qigong), and Seated meditation, which I actually teach in my online group class. I’ve had this same basic routine for 15 years because I am a firm believer in “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” “When I made my own lifestyle transformation (fixed my knee pain, shoulder pain, and low back pain) a few years ago, I overhauled my mornings and I haven’t looked back.” etc.]

My #1 priority for my own morning routine: [Example: “Set a healthy foundation for myself and my family.” “Make sure I’m fueled and ready to go for my morning clients, I like to “Start my day in a calm, peaceful way so that I feel centered.” etc.]

7:30 a.m. – Wake up, prepare my special tea, do a couple of dynamic warm-ups, movements meditation (Qigong), 72 Breathing techniques Qigong style, and finish with a quiet seated 24 minutes meditation. Drink more tea, prepare my special smoothies and coffee for my family while I let my body cool down for 10 - 15 minutes before I take a shower. – Get the family started on their day, eat breakfast, and then it’s time to start my own day! Etc.,

What makes it work for me is that I'm able to stay sharp throughout the day and it gives me buffer time in case something unexpected pops up,” “that I do most of the heavy lifting of my routine the night before,” “it’s fast and simple", at least for me]

What does your morning routine look like?

Feel free to share your thoughts over our private social media platform > R-Soma Performance Tribe

“Ready to make a change and put together your own routines that work for YOU? Let’s talk/Check out my online group classes here OR

Click here for the personalized training program.”

Have an amazing Tuesday,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

p: 12032731482



