Interesting fact you didn’t know about breakfast...

Mar 22, 2021 6:16 pm

Good morning, ,



Quick Question: Did you eat breakfast this morning?


Of all the meals we eat, breakfast gets the least respect.


Here’s what I’m talking about:


1 - Breakfast is the most skipped meal. As many as 25% of us skip it every day!

2 - It’s often an afterthought – or even a problem! Because …

3 - When we do eat it, we want something that’s fast and requires no/little effort.

4 - And it’s even better if we can eat (or drink) our breakfast on the run.


The fact is, there are a LOT of studies investigating whether we even need to eat breakfast in the first place.


However, many of those studies have linked eating breakfast to being healthier.


People who eat breakfast tend to have:

●     Lower levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol,

●     Less risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, or being overweight.

●     Better memory and concentration.


But the fact is, researchers, don’t know whether all of that is caused by eating breakfast – or whether people who eat breakfast tend to have healthier habits.


Either way, that’s a solid enough reason to eat breakfast! It sets the tone for your entire day.


Remember: It’s the small things that we do every day that add up to big results.


What did YOU have for breakfast this morning!?


I had a Big Bowl of Mixed Fruits with Mediterranean Egg Muffins

Lots more good stuff to come … stay posted! for my BRAND NEW recipe book (free!) – The Protein-Packed Breakfasts Recipe Guide. ]


Make it an amazing day,


Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, ASTh, AST, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

p: 12032731482





PS. We’re all about helping our clients create simple (but life-changing!) habits to achieve REAL results. Be sure to check out My Online Store for healthy Diet PROGRAMS.
