Don’t Do This

Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am

Happy Friday, !


One mistake I see a lot of people make when starting a fitness plan is starting too fast.

Now, don’t get me wrong … just getting started, in any fashion, is a huge accomplishment. But think of your fitness journey as an individual workout. A good coach would tell you not to launch yourself headlong into a workout. You need to warm up properly and prepare the body slowly, so you can avoid running out of gas quickly, getting discouraged, and wanting to quit.

The same is true of your fitness journey as a whole.

Step 1: Get started.

Step 2: Don’t launch yourself into the program too fast and run the risk of burning out.

Be kind to yourself and your body.

Remember To Join our “Loaded Mobility” Online LIVE Training this coming Saturday, 10/21, at 09:45 AM EST for posture, hip mobility, and more... Click Here to Sign Up.image

Take your time. Just because someone else is moving fast doesn’t mean you should be.

Celebrate movement … once you master the basics, get the form down, and build a strong foundation from the ground up, then we can add more weight and/or more intensity.

This is why so many people who get started with us succeed … because there’s no pressure to move at a certain pace or lift a certain amount of weight. On your fifth day in the gym, don’t compare yourself to someone across the room who’s been doing this consistently for five years.

Don’t worry too much about the destination. Enjoy the journey. It’s honestly the most satisfying part.

Make it an amazing evening,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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