Do this in the morning for better sleep…

Aug 25, 2024 12:51 am

Happy Saturday, !


If I were trying to completely overhaul my body composition” “quit sugar” “prevent my autoimmune symptoms from coming back”.

One of the FIRST things I would prioritize is sleep. 

Since we’ve been talking about brain health this month, it’s SO important to remember that sleep is one of our brain’s best “tools” for recovery, memory, and overall brain function. 

The only problem? 

A lot of us struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep! 

While bedtime routines are great for training your body to wind down at a certain time…

Something I wish someone would have told me sooner is that good sleep actually starts with how much natural light you get during the day.

A study from Northwestern University found that exposure to natural light during the day — particularly in the morning — can significantly improve sleep quality and duration.

👉 This can be as simple as having your morning coffee outside, going for a quick walk to get your day started, or even just sitting by a sunny window.

Doing this helps regulate your body’s sleep-wake cycles, which makes it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up refreshed.

Still, sleep is just ONE piece of the puzzle when it comes to dealing with chronic illness…

Click here to get my Supercharge Your Sleep FREE Guide


Committed to your success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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