New Webinar invitation on DNA Activation

May 19, 2021 7:50 am

Hey !

How’s your week going so far? I’d like to invite you to another webinar on Thursday on what’s involved in DNA Activation sessions, Thursday at 12:30 PM - NY Eastern Time!


Before we go over the webinar I'd like to share with you:

What I do in the DNA activations is first to remove as many distortions and release as many seals as possible, so that a person can bring into their body, their higher levels of consciousness (which is much higher frequency). I then activate as much DNA as is possible for the person, as guided by their Higher-self. The Higher self controls the DNA activation level of the person and will not allow them to shatter their scalar shields by pulling in more frequency than the person can currently handle. Of course, everyone would like to have 12 fully activated strands of DNA and become a walking Avatar immediately, but this should not be the goal. The goal is to help a person activate their POTENTIAL, as guided by the Higher self, and activate as much as they are ready for, based on their level of spiritual development. Just activating one additional strand of DNA will give substantial benefits to the person, because in the past, this took many, many lifetimes to accomplish.

Most people have a DNA activation level of 3-3.5 strands active at the present time. Due to the higher frequencies coming into the Earth right now, it is possible to activate our higher strands of DNA. So that is what I do in the sessions. I also help a person become more connected to their Higher self so that they can then start living in line with Divine Right Order and realize their co-creative abilities and soul’s purpose. To me, this is the most important purpose of DNA activation.

DNA activation is the natural process of using Unified Field Physics to trigger our Christed selves. We all have of course the 5 known senses, as identified by modern science. But in reality, there are 7 additional Higher Senses that become available once certain blockages are removed and a person reaches a certain level of DNA activation. The problem right now is that the Higher and Lower senses are not fully “plugged into” each other, so the various higher dimensional fields, and the sensory abilities associated with the Higher senses, appear to be unavailable to us.

The Higher and Lower senses plugin through the opening of Kathara lines in the body, which will then create a reciprocal opening and expansion of the DNA, Hova Bodies, and activation of dormant nerve networks within the brain. The blockages between the 3rd and 4th Kathara centers (located physically in ureters for men) block the apparthi receivers within the Hova bodies from accepting compatible electrical impulses from the higher dimensional Hova bodies. This blockage manifests within the body as fragmented units of DNA (“junk DNA”), that serve to render the natural processes of multidimensional data transfer into the central nervous system inoperable.

In the 1st DNA activation, I work on clearing out as many karmic imprints as possible from this area, because if you can re-connect your lower senses to your higher ones, then this will solve most of your perceived “problems” in life and allow you to truly start living in line with your Higher-self.

If my personal e-mail resonate with you -

Then go right ahead to register for my webinar to learn more and be prepared to get A Free session on "DNA Blockage Removal code",

Qigong (The 3 Mental Breathing Power), and more....

If for some reason you can not make it on Thursday, register anyway and I'll e-mail you the REPLAY...


I look forward to seeing you Thursday, at 12:30 PM - NY Eastern Time!

Much Love,


Click Here To Register


Ludwight Rigueur, ASTh, AST, LMT, SRP, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance 

p: 12032731482




