Nov 15, 2021 7:10 pm

Happy Monday, !



Have you ever said that to yourself?

Someone just told me this … right after we spent the last 20 minutes talking about her goals and why they are SO important to her.

Now I don’t want to call anyone out, but it’s time for me to put on my coach's hat.

I learned a long time ago that this classic “either-or” thinking does very little to help you reach ANY of your goals.

Because with either-or thinking, you’re either ALL IN or you are ALL OUT.

And let’s face it.

If you are going to “wait until the new year” to get started on your goals – goals that are important to you RIGHT NOW ...

… you probably are going to have quite a bit of catching up to do (because that’s what happens to most people who wait).

Your pants will fit tighter. You’ll be more tired and bloated, and even more importantly ...

You’ll wish you had done something (anything!) to stay on track during the holidays.

And given the fact that less than 10% of people achieve their New Year goals …

Getting started “TODAY” is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

It just takes one small (but brave) step forward.

I say this with love because I’ve heard SO MANY clients tell me they’d wished they’d gotten started sooner.

Your future self in January will thank you for it.

And you know what?

You’ll get even MORE enjoyment out of the holidays while you’re working towards your goals …

because you’ll FEEL BETTER: more rested, more resilient, happier, and healthier.

I know this because I’ve helped hundreds of people embrace the holidays AND their goals at the same time with our program.

It’s a lot easier than you think.

Who is with me in starting or keeping up with your workouts/nutrition over the holidays?


Remember to join me today, Monday at 5:15 PM EST NY Time for a Free Trial of my Online Fitness Meditation. Click Here To Register Now

Have a fantastic Monday,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

p: 12032731482

w: https://rsomaperformance.com

e: ludwight@lurigueur.com


Live today with intention!
