Instagram LogoGIVING OPENS DOORS I have a testimony. Long read but worth it. Giving is a joyful thing to do! It breaks the hold of unduly attachment to material resources and means our souls of selfishness. Giving also comes with rewards because it is governed by the law of sowing and reaping. Whatever you sow you shall reap. Be mindful of the law of sowing and reaping please. What you sow is what you reap. . If you sow your time to help someone or a cause, you will reap a harvest of helpers who show up when you need more hands to accomplish a project. Many times I get people to volunteer to help me out in my projects and when I try to pay they flatly rejected it. Someone told me some years back that I've given so much yet people that I've helped with my time haven't bothered to give me a second glance when they see results. He then told me to stay the course and not change, that I will reap the rewards. When I reflect on that counsel of his of almost ten years ago, I now understand why I have helps when I needed it most. And too many times the helping hands have saved me lots of money. . When you sow advice you will reap sound advice in other forms when you need it most, for example, someone may give you a sound investment advice that you apply and turns in a huge profit. This has happened to me. . When you sow material things, you will reap them too. The other day my good friend whom we've never met in person, Shedrack Hazoume of THE BESPOKE ROYAL (TBR) called me up and pledged to make some outfits for me for free so I can look my best for My First Million in Fashion masterclass in Lagos in April. When we held the Ready to Wear Unwrapped conference in August, he didyhe same thing. I asked him why he's being so kind, and he said he was led to key into my vision. I won't be surprised if he is being overwhelmed with work right now. Why? Cos he's reap a harvest of clothes too. That is he will receive a harvest of customers asking him to make clothes for them cos he sowed that into my life. . There are more examples. You sow kindness, you reap kindness, you sow help, you reap help, you sow beef, you'd reap beef, as as you sow hatred and reap hatr