Instagram LogoVALUE CONSCIOUS CUSTOMERS and How to Manage Them Value conscious customers on the other hand, are people who pay attention to details rather than the pricing. They want excellence in the designs you sell them. They are more concerned about the value they'd get from wearing your designs, and as such are often finicky about the details. These kind of people can be long term customers if you keep delivering excellent product and excellent customer service. Should you disappoint them with your finishing, they may never return. So tread carefully when you have a value conscious customer on your hands. The amount you charge isn't their priority. However they may negotiate the price with you, but not with the desperation of a price conscious customer. When you meet them, you can easily identify them by their incessant questions about details relating to the design you want to make for them. The only set back may be in terms of the price you charge. It is either within their budget or not. If your price is way more than they can afford, they often times may request a discount or go out of their way to raise the money. Either way, treat them nicely. They make loyal customers. So far so good, I have shared insights with you on two types of customers based on their perception of pricing. This is as far as I can go in this series on pricing. The topic is wide. For example, there are other areas like: Pricing formula Confident pricing Pricing psychology And so much more. But then these are enough for now. Laoye Curtis
Instagram LogoPlease I have a word of encouragement for you. And it is: DREAM AGAIN. Granted this year has been tough, really tough. And recent events may even have affected you emotionally. Please remember, weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes with the morning. Every morning is an opportunity for you to dream again. In case you have forgotten why you invest so much in your work, your business, your personal development, lemme remind you. It's your dream. You had a dream that you can make it big in this line of work, fashion. You had a dream that you can live a better life doing what you love, fashion. You had a dream to one day travel across the world ? on account of the financial resources you have pooled from your fashion business. Please dream again. I want us to awaken the giants within us. Lets not lose sight of our dreams. It's easy to get trapped in the struggles of day to day grind. It's easy to lose track of where you are going and be caught in the rat race of trying to eke out a living. Granted, bills are there to pay. I won't dispute that. Some of us even have dependents. And that piles more pressure on us. In spite of these, please don't lose sight of the future you dreamed for yourself. Hold on to that dream. Commit it to God. Trust in Him to guide your steps. And He will help you. He will cause His grace to abound towards you. He will cause ideas to flow to you. He will bring you opportunities and people who can help you. Above all, He will bless the works of your hands. As I close this writeup of mine, my charge to you once again is, dare to dream, again. And commit your work into God's hands. Only He can bring you across the finish line, your dreamland. I'm Laoye Curtis, fashion business coach