Instagram LogoI have had the joy of seeing folks who were struggling to survive now command six and seven figures in their fashion business. I'll like to share some of their stories with you. E.M is an ex banker who lost a lot of money in her business and ended up with debts up to N11m. She's recovering now. Last month she grossed N930+ and the previous month she grossed N1.22m. FashionSix Basic program helped her unlearn a lot of things as well discover hidden potentials she never knew she had. She is now a mentor in the FashionSix Basic program guiding other members earning less than N400k a month to easily scale that mark. I will share screenshot of her sales goals with you just so you can picture yourself in her shoes. How did I know this much about her business? Because we talked. Personally and in the FashionSix Basic online community where every member is expected to submit an end of month sales performance review. I mandated this exercise as a check and balance to help us track members success and know where they need help. During the end of month sales performance review, members share openly the amount that they made for the month. Mind you, at the start of the month, every member of FashionSix Basic program must submit their sales goals for the month as well as the breakdown of the strategies they'd deploy. Fast forward to the end of the month, that is the last week, and everyone is expected to give account of their sales performance. This takes two days max wherein I give unbiased result oriented advice to each one of them. Other group members also chip in their experiences so that we all learn from one another. All I've shared with you is a part of our feedback n improvement system in FashionSix Business School. Now you know how I get feedbacks, ba ?. Back to E.M's story. She's solving her debt issues because her income earning capacity is increasing and her financial intelligence. She has even upgraded to the FashionSix Pro program where we groom fashion business owners to make N1m monthly or N9m quarterly. What's the take home from this gist I just shared with you?