The Magic of Letting go
Jan 16, 2024 1:00 pm
Dear ,
I am so happy to meet you. Thanks so much getting. “The Magic of Letting Go: Forgiveness and Beyond.” I hope you absolutely adore it ☺. I’d love to have your feedback so feel free to drop me a line any time.
I am Dr. Sandra Hamilton and using scientifically proven techniques, I help people say adios to the trauma and memories of abuse so that they can live happily in the present even if they have spoken to million counselors and psychologist and gotten no relief.
I recently launched “Navigating the Challenges Of Forgiveness” an online self-paced course to help you remove the claws that the past has hooked into you and enable you to stop being triggered by sounds, sights etc that remind you of the abuse.
Would you rather to jump every time you hear the door open?
feel your chest tighten every time you need to speak to an authority figure
would you prefer to stay calm knowing that you are safe
and be able to confidently and respectfully hold your ground when challenging your boss about a matter that is wrong.
“Navigating the Challenges Of Forgiveness” is not your run of the mill bible thumping condemnation filled, preachy course. Nope. “Navigating the Challenges Of Forgiveness” takes a hard look at why you do not forgive. What is holding you back, and how to move through those challenges.
The struggle is real. I know. I’ve been there.
“Navigating the Challenges Of Forgiveness” gives you exercises to identify where in your body you hold on to fear and unresolved trauma and then release it.
Forgiveness can feel like you are swimming through shark-laden waters terrified of when you will be bitten. Forgiveness feels like struggling for air and being afraid to breathe.
“Navigating The Challenges Of Forgiveness” takes your hand and shows you how to tread water; how to lift you head and catch that breath that you desperately need; How to stay afloat among the debris of your past that keeps pulling you under.
And most importantly, if when you are going through the course, you feel the need to talk, I am on call for you. You can reach out to me at any time during the course that you feel triggered. I promise to get back to you.
Imagine sitting here in the exact same position, same time, next month and hearing that sharp rap on the door… but instead of freaking out and your heart rate ratcheting up 10 notches, you calmly ask – who is it.
Imagine as you go through the records at work you see something that is not quite right and instead of ignoring it, you listen to your intuition and logical training – instead of going into fear mode and being afraid of being blamed or punished… you confidently approach your boss and ask for a discussion to look at the discrepancy.
How much better would you feel about yourself?
So, let’s move you from being heartbroken, frustrated and confused to letting go of your past and stepping confidently into a future that you create!
Navigating The Challenges Of Forgiveness – moving beyond the pain.
For more information go here
Sign up!
PS You can also find me on Facebook
And read my blogs on
Holding you safe
Dr Sandra Hamilton
Confidence Builder and Rapid Transformation Therapist