Pain is a Bitch

Oct 15, 2021 3:01 pm

Hey ,

Pain is a bitch.

We’ve all been hurt. Pain is a part of life. However, the pain from sexual abuse comes in a whole different package. That pain is sooo deep. That pain is so personal. The pain of sexual abuse is one that scars you for the rest of your life.


Here is the thing though. Often times we think that our pain doesn’t show. That we’ve hid it so well that no one is aware of what we went through. However, the effect of the abuse sneaks through our lives in very insidious ways. Sometimes we catch them, sometimes we don’t.


Here are three areas that we don’t realize reveals our sense of self and allows the hidden pain to peak through:


How we dress

How we manage our personal boundaries

And how we forgive.


What you say? Not true! I have no issues in those departments!

Well… maybe.. BUT!


Many I invite you to relax a bit.


Let’s take a look at each one of these areas one by one. In the next email we’ll begin looking at how our sense of dress has developed or changed since the incident.


Holding you safe,

Dr. Sandra Hamilton

The Confidence Builder
