Do you know what the key to going from feeling hurt and guilty to joy is?

Dec 03, 2021 4:00 pm

Dear ,

Do you believe that the key to going from feeling guilty, hurt, victimized, abused and feeling that you alone are the problem, to living a life of joy and freedom, content and confident is to spend years in therapy? Or even sharing with the pastor and church and having everybody up in your business?

What if I told you that it is simply not true? What if you do not even have to keep locking all your feelings inside and spend hundreds of dollars in medical bills as your pressure goes up?

I am here not to tell you but to SHOW you that Freedom Through Forgiveness is THE ONLY Online retreat that allows you to identify the source of your fear, doubt and unforgiveness and live a life of freedom and joy knowing that you are worthy.

It is the thing which means you will no longer run the risk of being treated as just another number.

Neither the pastor nor the medical doctor will resolve the underlying issues you face. …And in truth, when you visit your health care and pastoral care professionals, you may be stigmatized by the community.

Am I right?


So , why not try something different, something much longer lasting and it comes at a fraction of the price?


Join me here: for Freedom Through Forgiveness. An online retreat where I take you by the hand and gently walk with you through your challenges and pain.


Want to know more?


Check out the retreat here:



Holding you safe,

Dr. Sandra Hamilton

Rapid Transformational Therapist & confidence Builder


Confused, scared, questioning ? Set up some time to speak with me here:

No there’s no cost for this. Let’s just clear up your questions and see if

Freedom Through Forgiveness is right for you.

Dr. H


