Let’s pop the bubbly

Dec 04, 2021 8:07 pm


Let’s pop the bubbly…

Today is December 1st 2022 and it’s a moment you have been waiting for all your life.

You have watched, absorbed & implemented the Freedom Through Forgiveness principles and now finally managed to break free from your soul sucking guilt, fear and doubt. Leaving you feeling free and light. Reigniting the belief in yourself and now you are the ultimate prize.

You feel lighter, more confident and feel like you can take on the world!

Imagine spending more time loving yourself, laughing with family and friends and being filled with tons more energy

Imagine this day with me…

Imagine waking up feeling totally loved and supported

As you sip your coffee you release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs and change thought patterns that have been holding you back.

And you start the day a new person, a better person... a person who says NO to excuses, problems and hiccups. A person who is winning at this game of life.

Now, picture this…

What if there was something that allowed you to do this, to create this day, this life, this existence?

Because there IS...

With Freedom Through Forgiveness you can and WILL let go of the fear, feel peaceful and calm, comfortable, confident and empowered knowing that you are respected, valued and beautiful in as little as 3 sessions even if you’ve been told that you are worthless, no good, don't deserve to be alive!

Now is your time and THIS is your chance.

The choice is yours to make .


Go here Now! 👉 https://drhtheconfidencebuilder.com/retreats/

Holding you safe,

Dr. Sandra Hamilton

Confidence Builder & Rapid Transformational Therapist
