If I ran your school

Nov 05, 2021 4:11 am

Dear ,

How are you doing today??? And whether it is a sun shiny or a rain wetty type of day where you are, I just know that you have made someone feel extra special toady ☺

I am Dr. Sandra Hamilton, most people just say Dr. H, and I will be with you on Friday, November 5, to see how I can brighten up your day.

In order to do this, I am asking a small favour. Can you please read Dr. Suess’ “Cat In The Hat” before you come tomorrow? Pleaaasseeeee! Pretty, pretty please??????

This book will set the tone for what we will be doing in the morn. 

Come with an open mind, an open heart, a willingness to learn, to have fun and to make learning fun.

See you tomorrow ☺

Holding you safe

Dr. Sandra Hamilton

Confidence Builder & Rapid Transformational Therapist
