Plants are weird.
Apr 30, 2020 10:02 pm
Dear humans,
The female has something called an 'air plant.' It is a devious little thing that lives in a box on her desk with the orchids. When she waters it, she carries it in the bathroom and gives it a bath in the sink. She finds this hilarious for some reason.
We of the Furred & Frond Management are concerned.
To complicate matters, she is receiving more dirt in the mail. She has too much dirt as it is. She has filled three huge planters with dirt. She has four smaller pots with no inhabitants thus far. They will have inhabitants as soon as her seeds arrive. Oops. She bought too much dirt.
She is not sorry about her over-acquisition of dirt. Once a few of her plants get bigger, she will add some extra soil to the top to top up their planters, as some were rather shallow because she had too little dirt at one point.
In other news, we are not allowed to use this dirt as litter boxes, and we find this to be cruel and unusual punishment. As we can't use this dirt as a litter box, we have taken to observing the female's new rituals, which includes cooing at the green things growing out of the dirt.
We haven't had the heart to inform her cooing at the green things growing out of the dirt will not do them much good.
In other news, informed delivery claims there is a package coming from a local hardware store. We are very confused by this.
While the female didn't catch a picture, we had a very pretty visitor today! A California scrub jay visited the balcony. The female became very excited. A California scrub jay is like a blue jay, but he has pretty tan on his back instead of the classic blue jay coloration.
The female has decided she likes the California scrub jay more than the eastern blue jay.
Is a very pretty birb, she wants to watch birb tv now. We have told her many times that birb tv is great. We are glad she has come to the light.
The male is not allowing her to order bribes for the scrub jay, and she must just hope he shows up again.
I expect this to trigger World War III, as she really wants to watch more birb tv.
There are no pictures today, as the female is already distracted by the terrifyingly long to-do list of things she must accomplish.
If you don't hear from us from the rest of the day, we fell into a black hole and should be back tomorrow. Escaping black holes is a wee bit tricky.