Is it nap time yet?

May 22, 2020 4:36 am

Dear humans,

Who knew being the spokesfelines of a human could be so controversial or complicated? We've seen it all from yesterday's expression of the female's rage. Some humans were nice humans, understanding the female is a very ordinary human with very human emotions.

Other humans?

Not so much.

The other humans are no longer subscribed to our missives, block buttons were pressed in the appropriate fashions where applicable, and we're sure we'll have to figure out how to make them go away on our blog, as we are too tired for that nonsense.

In short, if you're easily offended, we are not the kitties (or the human) for you. By nature of being a fiction author, the female is commonly forced to write and research things she is not necessarily comfortable with.

It's a lot like life, really. (And no, if you were to try to assign morality through the female's fiction, you would be left with a wholly incorrect mess. Also, in other news, if you were to try to assign food interests of the female through her fiction, now we're talking business.)

All authors insert things into their fiction. It is inevitable. Some authors, like the female, deliberately do it to best control how it is inserted.

She does not want to tell you stories about her life, her general interests, or her aspirations. She wants to escape into the lives of characters as much as readers do. That's half the fun of writing them.

At the same time, she does write fulfillment fantasy. Good things happen to good characters. Wishes are made. Wishes are achieved. The endings are happy, and the happiness is plentiful.

This is not realistic.

These are not her wishes, her happy endings, or even the things she wants in her life.

(Hint: she wants to stay home, love her kitties, love her male, and sleep. Drink some tea. Sniff roses without allergic reactions to them. Yeah, by the way? She sniffed every fucking rose she came across when crossing the complex last night. Every single one of them. Constantly stopping to sniff the roses. You can guess what happened.)

Also, in related news, she slept very well thanks to her allergy medicine, if you were curious.

The female inserts food interests. Sometimes. Not all foods the characters love are foods she loves, but she slips her favorites in.

And yes, she will do sketchy things for fried chicken, tacos, burritos, and chicken nuggets. How did you guess?

The salmonella poisoning incident was referenced from the female's childhood. (Yes, she got a raw nugget from the same restaurant. Yes, the illness's progression was very similar. Why research easily accessible past traumas?! Well, she did research to make sure her memory of the incident was accurate. It was. Then she applied the character's life and circumstances to the incident.)

In real life, back when the female was indoctrinated into a religious cult, she was on one of the indoctrination vacations, where basically all the younger teens are sent to basically a camp for further indoctrination. They reinforce / teach grooming behaviors and segregate by gender to make sure the teachings stick better. She is not going to mention which religion, but let's just say it was a very scarring situation.

On the way to said camp, she got a hold of the nugget. On the way home from said camp, the zombified remains of the nugget sought revenge. it was severe enough the adults were considering a detour to hospital, but the female made it home without incident and no hospital visits were made.

And that's the story of how the zombified chicken nugget ended up in Ginger Snapped.

We have no idea what the point of this missive is. The female is in a food coma from eating a very big burrito, and she is sleepily playing SIMS4. Here is today's project.


Happy reading, humans!
