The Sneaky Kitty Critic and the Rose Bath Bomb of Doom
Apr 19, 2020 10:32 pm
Dear humans,
The female got this super nifty organic all natural ingredients frou-frou bath bomb. You know, the ones that come in nice gift boxes and cost more than they probably should, but they have super nice things in them that make the skin feel nice and smell super nice?
So, the female loves roses. This one has rose petals in it and stuff like that. Really frou-frou.
She plunks it into her nice warm bath tub and BOOM. The sneezing begins. And the sniffling. and the laughter. First, it's REALLY hilarious because that's just life. One instant, you're all like man I wish I knew what evil plant was around the complex so I can avoid it... next, rose bath bomb and the Curse of a Zillion Sneezes.
Mystery solved.
The female seems to be allergic to roses.
The complex literally has hundreds of rose plants everywhere. They're the plant of choice within the complex. They're the plant of choice outside of it, too. There are roses everywhere here. They're beautiful.
It explains so much that it's the roses.
... the female is not happy but at least she has an idea of what's making her go sneeze and sniffle all the time. And that she probably shouldn't go trying to sniff the bazillion roses in the complex.
And that's the story of how the female tried to have a relaxing bath and got a sneezing fit instead.
Tonight's bath better be better or there will be angry people everywheres. Or at least an angry females.
In other news, the female is still working at figuring out strategies to make USA Today happen for Grave Humor. Uhm, good luck little female, you will need it.
You will need ALL of the luck.
But to help her efforts, I am setting up mini quests for her! Today's quest... I haven't decided yet, but I will be posting the mini quests on the website along with the appropriate forms for receiving mail from the female. The female has already started writing cards, and when she gets the designs and the post cards in, she will do that stuffs, too. She will be busy. But it will be fun.
We have not yet received out stamps and we wait eagerly for their arrival.
In other news, tendonitis sucks, and the female will be very happy when this flare is over.
We don't have a cat picture for you today, but we do have a picture of Cold Flame's audiobook cover, because it is pretty.