No April Fools!

Apr 01, 2023 1:46 pm

Happy new month ! 🎁

April is obviously here (smile).

I hope you haven't given up on your joy.

Or your goals.

Some discouragement may have set in. And your goals may seem so far away.

Be encouraged by this email. To not give up on trying.

And perhaps to pen down perhaps 10 ways to get to goals 1, 2 and 3.

It may take a few months or even years to meet those goals.

But don't give up on the journey.

Because who you become on the way there is just as WOW!


I pray for strength for you to keep going and for GRACE to keep your God-given dreams and goals in VIEW!


I ask all these in Jesus name!


Amen 🙏🏽


From the heart of a Physician!💕💕

PS: If you know someone who could use this note, please forward it to them.

Thank you

Dr. Tolulope Olabintan


Founder & CEO

Livingspring Family Medical Center

817 717 9597

PS: Know anyone who is looking for a primary care doctor who will help them live long and well? Please send them our way by forwarding them this email.

They can schedule below:



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