We blinked and June is here!

Jun 01, 2022 2:01 pm

Just. Like. That , June is here!

Whew! It is the last month in the first half of the year 2022.

No pressure...

We will make the most of it!


By making the best use of our time:


  1. By scheduling things that we know are important for us and our loved ones (like a 15 minute walk, or 10 min dance routine or perhaps a 20 minute prayer/meditation time)
  2. By timing our "entertainment" time... actually giving ourselves permission to be entertained but setting a time limit to it so we free up time to show up for other important tasks
  3. By doing those difficult tasks for the day FIRST (not hide them in the pile of procrastination...) or perhaps ask for help in handling those difficult tasks.
  4. By limiting the time we spend in regret, unforgiveness of ourselves or others...
  5. What other ways in your life do you think you can make out more time even in the busy-ness of the day to day?

Why the emphasis on time?

Because with better time management, we are able to have time for more of the things that make for us living long and well.

This month, I want to encourage you to make the most of your time...

I'm in the same school of time management and so we can grow in this together.

I pray for grace for each and every one of us to make the best use of the gift of time!

In health,

Dr. Tolulope Olabintan


Founder & CEO

Livingspring Family Medical Center


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