And we are off!!!

Jul 03, 2023 2:41 pm

How are you?

Happy new month!


New half!


Second half! 


Better half of the year 2023!


Have you ever had that thought…


That you were made for something more 


Well, even if you haven’t


You are!


Yup, made for something more.


No pressure….


It is what makes you “alive”


God made you for something more.




A blessing you! 


One you, touching the life of someone else …


So cheers to a new month … 


A new chance to be the positive change agent ..


A month I pray where your impact is being compensated in tangible and intangible ways …


And that you recognize these rewards and are encouraged to continue.. 


So it becomes a never ending cycle of impact!


Mind blown! 


Trans generational impact!


Happy new month to you!


I’m cheering you on.


PS: If you know someone who could use this note, please forward it to them.

Thank you

Dr. Tolulope Olabintan


Founder & CEO

Livingspring Family Medical Center

817 717 9597



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