Unlock Full Team Potential with TRF GE + 60 Days of Peak Entrepreneur

Feb 28, 2024 4:05 pm

Good morning!

Those who know me understand that (after my family) my animating purpose is continually improving my toolkit. 

It’s why I love having friends who send me stuff like this:


And this:

(Mindset + Method) X Application = Impact

How cool is that? I mean both bits of common sense wisdom crystalize my work so well. 

I curate and apply disparate bits of inspired content with the principles of kaizen (continuous improvement) and the result is a seamlessly productive way of life. And because I live these principles, I don't just talk about them, I effortlessly and empathetically help people to create a better set of tools. 

This ideology is fully present in "The Shareable Founder," the driving force behind The Replaceable Founder, Genius Edition, the new leadership manual.


When you buy TRF GE now, you’ll get a 60-day trial of Peak Entrepreneur, designed to solidify Shareable learning across your team and business. This combination isn’t just powerful—it’s transformative.


Enhance Your Team Dynamics Now!

It’s time to actively build a team where efficiency, innovation, and shared leadership aren’t just ideals—they’re everyday realities.

Oh and because I love creating constraints, (the best way to up your efficiency, BTW), this offer ends at Midnight EST on March 2nd.


