Ep. 16: You are the Common Denominator

I've heard the commentary--perhaps it's a bit tongue-in-cheek--that YOU are the common denominator in all of your failed relationships. Guess what? It's true. Whether you're in a romantic relationship or dealing with the Boss from Hell, whatever happ...

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Dec 11, 2023
Ep. 15: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

I used to think that what I wanted out of life was to be comfortable. Then I learned that avoiding discomfort only created a different discomfort. I am doomed to experience discomfort. So, what discomfort am I willing to experience? The discomfort of...

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Dec 04, 2023
Ep. 14: You are Not a Victim

Our fundamental advantage over every other type of creation is our ability to make decisions. Either we decide, or we are a victim of the decider. Which are you? I'm discovering that there are layers of victimhood and the victim mentality, and it is...

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Nov 29, 2023
Ep. 13: What is your Identity?

Who are you? How do you identify? Your answer to this question will have a big impact on how well you can deal with the Boss from Hell. It's important to recognize, accept, and then maybe change what your identity is.  It's not hard, but it's also no...

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Nov 13, 2023
Ep. 12: Do You Want to be Happy?

Happiness is the goal, isn't it? Don't we want a different job, or boss, or salary, or home town, or everything...because it will make us happy? But really, I'm wondering, do you WANT to be happy? Here's a different way to think about happiness. And...

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Nov 06, 2023
Ep. 11: The Bad Boss and the Law of the Lid

The Law of the Lid. I had never heard of this before. In all of my years learning about Leadership. Nothing. Until a couple of weeks ago. Another podcast discussed it. And I'm fascinated. How is the Boss from Hell limiting you because of his or her l...

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Oct 17, 2023
Ep. 10: More Boundaries

This is another take on boundaries. I hear about boundaries frequently, so I will probably continue to talk about them. Also, thanks to David, I'm cross-posting this episode on both the Bad Boss Podcast and Untoxic Positivity. Listen to them both. N...

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Oct 12, 2023
Ep. 9: Being Wrong

After recording this, I changed some of my thoughts. Not significant changes, mind you, but really some changes in semantics. I'm not sure this is about being *WRONG* as much as considering the possibility that someone or something else might (also)...

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Aug 22, 2023
Ep. 8: The Commute

The commute. Where is your head from the time you start your waking day and you arrive at the office? Whether it's just downstairs in your remote office, or if you have a drive or ride to get to the office. The commute can help you get into the right...

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Aug 07, 2023
Ep. 7: Thinking out of Habit

This week, we talk about our habitual thoughts. Sometimes, what we think comes from habit rather than from actual conscious thought. Are you thinking what you want to think? If not, what might change (like your identity!!) if you had different thoug...

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Jul 26, 2023