Ep. 26: Is it Time to Break Up with the Boss?

In a departure from the normal monologues I've recorded, this week, I have a conversation with career coach Braxton Wood (you can find him at https://go.braxtonwood.vip/), and we discuss red flags that might be telling you it's time to break up with...

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Feb 19, 2024
Ep. 25: A Model for Understanding Behavior

When I was a youngster, my dad taught me the behavior model as described by Hyrum Smith.  It was fascinating to observe what was driving my own beliefs and behaviors, but even more so, I was able to catch a glimpse into the behaviors of other people....

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Feb 12, 2024
Ep. 24: Relationship Tips

It's possible, believe it or not, to have a decent relationship with a bad boss. It's not even that hard. This week I share a few tips that have helped me have good relationships with people I've worked with over the years.  Next week? How do you kno...

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Feb 05, 2024
Ep. 23: Act Like a Leader

When the bad boss is a bad leader, it's easy to ramp up on blaming the boss. Why not be the leader? Fill that void. Develop your own skills instead of complaining about the boss's lack of skills. Want specific help? Go to my website here and downloa...

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Jan 29, 2024
Ep. 22: Can You Outsmart a Toxic Boss?

So. Maybe your boss really is toxic. Now what? Can you outsmart him (or her)? There are a few things that will help you regain control. Take charge. Be 100% responsible. Share your thoughts and ideas with me if you have somethingyou'd like to address...

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Jan 23, 2024
Ep. 21: What if Your Boss is Toxic?

Sometimes the boss is just negative, but what about when the boss is toxic? How can you tell? What doest that mean for you? What should you do about it? This week, we talk about three different ways to think about and approach dealing with a toxic bo...

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Jan 15, 2024
Ep. 20: When the Boss is Overly Negative

What do you do when the boss is just a negative person? Do you have to let it drag you down? Well, sometimes that is easier said than done, but no, you can survive the overly negative boss without letting him or her affect you. much. Share your thoug...

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Jan 08, 2024
Ep. 19: More Goals means a Better New Year

Happy Monday! It's that time of year again, when we think about changes we want to make in ourselves. Join me in setting goals for the new year in surviving the Boss from Hell This week, I share a little more about what has flipped the switch for me...

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Jan 01, 2024
Ep. 18: Goals for Surviving the Boss from Hell

It's that time of year again, when we think about changes we want to make in ourselves. Historically, I have hated the idea of setting goals, but I have changed my tune. I'm all for setting the right kind of goals, for the right reasons. Join me in s...

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Dec 25, 2023
Ep. 17: Grateful for the Bad Boss?

Is it possible to be grateful for having a difficult boss? My theory: Not only is it possible, but it's also better for you and your mental health. The struggle will make you stronger. Doesn't make it easier or more fun, but remember that it will be...

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Dec 18, 2023