Hi! (Book Lover)

Jan 13, 2023 10:19 pm



Wait, don’t unsubscribe yet.

Let me introduce myself first. (Please.)

I’m an author who spent a month crafting a story that’s floating around somewhere on your virtual pile of books. It should look like this…


Have you read Brewing Trouble yet?

What did you think?

(Hit reply and let me know.)

If not...

How do I get you to take a few hours of your precious time to check it out?

I wrote this book specifically for you. I wanted something short and easy to read that would give you a flavor if my other books. A way for you to sample my writing style to see if we’re a match. Brewing Trouble should only take you 1-2 hours to read the whole thing.

Then, if you don’t like my style…please unsubscribe. I don’t want to bother you.

If you haven’t found time to enjoy this story yet or found this age gap romance mildly amusing, I invite you to stick around. I only have one other book available right now, but more are on the way. I’d love to grow my author/reader relationship with you.

I’ll be reaching out to you again in a week or so with info about where to find my other book and to ask again if you checked out Brewing Trouble. I really do want to hear your thoughts on Octavia and Zak’s non-traditional relationship.

Happy Reading,

Madison Joy

P.S. Here are some other authors trying to get their books on your digital book pile. It’s a tough job to find readers, and we (the author community) appreciate you taking a chance on us. After all, we write because we want to entertain you.




