Dear ,I can't believe we're only 12 days away from the release of Confined with the CEO and the Bodyguard: Caitlyn. I'm excited to share a chapter with you on my website. I chose this segment because it really gets to the heart of the conflict betwee...
Hi readers!I'm taking part in a giveaway. All the books are new releases - fresh words and stories perfect for keeping you warm this winter. (Seriously, this weather has been ridiculous - I'm so ready for spring!)Find your new favorite author. Then e...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it!I began writing this series because I found I could not get in...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it!I began writing this series because I found I could not get in...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it!I began writing this series because I found I could not get in...
Hi ,Happy Wednesday! I'm excited to share with you my next release in the Confined with the CEO and the Bodyguard series. Sadie's story is special to me for personal reasons, which I've written about on my website. Sadie has a long journey to happine...
Hi ,I'm so glad you signed up for my email list. Have you had a chance to read Kelsey's hot little story yet? If not, I hope you'll make time for this quick read soon. If you've read it, please consider leaving a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Bookbub,...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it!I began writing this series because I found I could not get in...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it!I began writing this series because I found I could not get in...
Hello there, .You recently downloaded a copy of CONFINED WITH THE CEO & THE BODYGUARD: KELSEY. I hope you're having as much fun reading this quick, hot story as I had while writing it.After all, 2020 was a hard year, and 2021 isn't off to a great...