New release giveaway - win a $25 Amazon gift card

Feb 27, 2021 12:16 am

Hi readers!

I'm taking part in a giveaway. All the books are new releases - fresh words and stories perfect for keeping you warm this winter. (Seriously, this weather has been ridiculous - I'm so ready for spring!)

Find your new favorite author. Then enter for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Runs 2/22 - 3/01.

Direct link:


While you're here, don't forget to preorder Caitlyn and Naomi's super-steamy books. Just .99 for release week only! Watch this space for a special preview coming (hopefully) next week.

Preorder Caitlyn's Story

Preorder Naomi's Story

Finally, don't miss your last chance to stuff your e-reader with FREE books:

One-Handed Valentine's Day Reads

Free Menage Romance


