Fantastic piece of writing. Very insightful & inspiring, and yet I wonder why there are quite many cases of doctors & post-operation patients who go on to abuse their meds and overdose. Could Johann Hari's metaphorical allegory of the rat par...
Hi Steven, I’m glad you resonated with this article. It’s good to see that fasting has served you well, as it has with plenty of others. I’m just getting into longer fasts myself — hope I can pull off results similar to yours.
Minor grammatical errors but the story itself is very succinct, melodious, and deserves poetic appraisal.
This is why I stan for stoicism, great article.
Why oh why, my dear Indonesia?Continue reading on Data Driven Investor »
And then we shift to exhibit B, where we have the anti-Coronavirus necklace from Indonesia. If you look close enough, you can see several Coronavirus clusters laughing.
Great piece brother, threading through unfamiliar territory may seem intimidating and fear-inducing, but it is that fear itself which we can leverage for growth and future success.
A competitive analysis between the two dieting heavyweightsContinue reading on BeingWell »