Just wanted to check-in...

Nov 07, 2020 12:31 am

Hey y'all,

So usually I will only be sending out emails to this list once a week (Tuesdays at 7:30am), however, there are some few faces that joined after Tuesday's introductory email went out so I wanted to take a second to welcome all of you and THANK YOU for joining! It means more than you know...

Due to the craziness of this week in the United States, I also wanted to have a check-in. I mentioned in the first email that by signing up for this newsletter, you will be a part of a community of people that support and care for one another, so I want to do that for you.

Simply just respond to this email with whatever you'd like. Maybe tell me how you're doing right now, your highs/lows from the week, something you're struggling with that you'd like help with, or literally anything you want to talk about. I'm here and listening!

Lastly, if you are new around here and missed out on Tuesday's newsletter, you can read that by clicking here. Once again, so glad and grateful to have you along for the ride!

Looking forward to hearing from y'all. Go enjoy your weekend! :)

