Honeysuckle’s Thanksgiving Guide

If this were any other Thanksgiving, we’d all be rushing off to see our families. Who’s bringing which dish? Who gets to sit next to Uncle Steve? For me, my Thanksgiving ritual is to drive up to Maine where most of the my extended family lives, see m...

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Nov 26, 2020
2021’s Best CBD Deals

2021: A new year, new you! Whether you made a resolution to eat healthier after the holidays, meditate more, or find time during the week to savor life’s little essentials, we have great suggestions to do just what you want with the help of CBD. CBD,...

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Nov 24, 2020
The Recurring Battle for Healthcare

Yet again, Obamacare is in the political fight of its life. Republicans have spent quite a bit of time attacking the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) since it was first passed on March 23rd, 2010, and has faced a steep challenge ever since, most notab...

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Nov 23, 2020
It is a Delight to be Bald

It is a delight to be bald. Almost bald. Buzzed. This morning I woke up and Greta told me that my hair already looked longer. I rubbed my palms against the fuzz, eye closed, reveling in the numbing, TV static sensation on my head. I obviously couldn’...

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Nov 22, 2020
Is Lab-Grown Meat Good for You?

The meat industry has undergone several changes, especially after the pandemic. But one of the biggest questions that non-vegetarians are finding answers to is whether they should consider getting their meat from a lab and not a slaughterhouse.  Afte...

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Nov 21, 2020
How the Pandemic is Impacting Higher Education

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus outbreak has affected all parts of our lives and almost all sectors worldwide. Universities and college campuses have been significantly impacted by the pandemic too. The traditional model included in-person lectur...

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Nov 20, 2020
On Decolonizing Music & Nightlife Culture

“2020 is not only marked as the year of covid-19, it has also been a pivotal year in the fight against systemic racism.” No statement could more accurately assess this past year that has felt like a lifetime, and it served as the perfect introduction...

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Nov 19, 2020