Lacking Ideas!?

Hi As you are aware, I did not upload any video last Friday. This is the first time in a very long time that I haven't released a video every two weeks.You're probably wondering what happened. Did I forget?Did I scrap the video?Am I lacking any ideas...

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Mar 03, 2021
Music is KEY!

Hi Who's working from home? ✋ Who gets distracted when working from home? ✋Who here sometimes listens to music to help concentrate? ✋Over the past year and a bit I have released three videos highlighting the music I use for my videos. And I t...

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Mar 02, 2021
Taxi Driver is 45 years old!

Hi You read the subject right.Taxi Driver is now 45 years old but yet the movie has never aged.Only getting better like fine wine. How old was you when you first watched it? I was 16 and have watched it over and over again many years later. It is tru...

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Feb 09, 2021
Hello 2021!

Hello 2020 sucked right?And we are looking to start fresh in 2021.The same problems will be there like last year that we have to deal with such as Covid and quarantining. A new year doesn't mean those problems just disappear but we can still improve...

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Jan 03, 2021
Goodbye 2020!

Hello !I doubt I'll release another video this year. So I just wanted to say thank you for watching my videos in 2020!It was a big year for the channel. Hit 1k subs, videos got monetised, and most importantly I released more videos than ever and had...

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Dec 18, 2020