Taxi Driver is 45 years old!

Feb 09, 2021 2:14 am


You read the subject right.

Taxi Driver is now 45 years old but yet the movie has never aged.

Only getting better like fine wine.

How old was you when you first watched it?

I was 16 and have watched it over and over again many years later.

It is truly cinema's greatest film. And cinema's greatest character.

Travis Bickle played by a fresh faced and already Oscar winning Robert De Niro. with a generation defining performance.

I released a video last year all about Travis Bickle. Breaking down the character.

If you enjoy Taxi Driver you should definitely give the video a watch.

Understanding Travis Bickle | Taxi Driver (1976) | Character Analysis


If you are someone more interested in how Robert De Niro became Travis Bickle then you should give my other video a watch (down below)

You are taken on a journey through stories told by Robert De Niro himself, director Martin Scorsese, and many more on how Robert De Niro became Travis Bickle.

Watch Here


I hope you enjoy both.

Cheers to Taxi Driver turning 45 years old.

See ya,

Film Is Just Moving Pictures

