Wishing You a Fabulous Easter Break!

Hi ,You'd have to be in/from the UK to get the Victor Meldrew reference, but I love my business and I love my clients, so anything that gets in the way of that - including Bank Holidays - is fair game for a 'bah humbug'!How about you? What are you do...

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Mar 27, 2024
Wishing You a Fabulous Easter Break!

Hi ,You'd have to be in the UK to get the Victor Meldrew reference, but I love my business and I love my clients, so anything that gets in the way of that - including Bank Holidays - is fair game!How about you? What are you doing for the long weekend...

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Mar 26, 2024
Redundancies in Review - The March Issue

Hi ,Welcome to the March issue of our redundancy and outplacement newsletter. This month, we explore the often overlooked costs associated with redundancies beyond just severance pay.Redundancies Drain More Than BudgetsWhile severance packages repres...

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Mar 01, 2024
Group Career Coaching Pilot Opportunity

Hi ,While 1:1 career coaching would be the ideal for most people, sometimes there is a cost barrier. We're aware of this possible barrier, so are considering group career coaching options, where you can pay-as-you-go on a month by month basis; you it...

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Feb 26, 2024
Why AI can't beat the human touch in your job search

Hi ,Online job search freebies, and even AI are fine up to a point, but our clients have found that it's the 1:1 human interaction which really makes the difference in their career success.Read what our client Martin said about his experience working...

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Feb 16, 2024