Instagram LogoThis post is for Billy and all his loved ones left here on earth wondering why he was taken way too soon. RIP ? ? Dear Portland City Leaders, You are directly responsible for the violence in your city streets. Your inability to deal with the rising issues in your streets have increased crime and violence to an unprecedented level. Last week 2 men were shot in cold blood. Their children will never grow up to know them. You have robbed them of the chance to grow up with a loving father. This is on you. All of you. Mayor Ted, DA idiot, and defund the Police ? Hardesty. Portland used to be a safe place. You’ve let drugs run free. You’ve allowed addiction to permeate our streets. You have turned your head to violent crime from those who claim to protest against violence. Every single one of you has caved. You’ve contributed to death, destruction, and despair. The most amazing part is, you don’t seem to care. The media in Portland doesn’t seem to care. The residents are too scared to step up and tell you how they really feel. You’ve turned this city into a shithole that resembles the corruption and appearance of a third world country. Please, for the love of the people you pretend to serve, START DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB. It’s time to stop pandering and start looking at the lives you’ve contributed to ruining. All the victims of the violence and your inability to make adult decisions deserve for you to either do your jobs or step down so someone else can. Billy and Adam’s lives mattered. So do all of the other lives ruined or ended too early due to your terrible leadership and harmful policies. As a long time resident of downtown Portland, I have to say, the last 7 years have been especially sick. You all lie and make excuses. It’s time to stop. Grow a backbone and start giving a fuck. When will this stop? When is enough enough? Sincerely, Every resident of Portland who feels they can’t use their voice because they will be doxxed. ? all my love to Billy and Adams family and friends. ? #portland #portlandoregon #pdx #503print #pdxparents #portlandpdxpeople #tedwheeler #hardesty #rosecity @tedwheelerpdx @commissionerhardesty @portlandpolice