Instagram LogoCancel culture is the biggest joke of the last 15 years. ? (Next to Biden being cognitive). As a business owner, marketing team, and anyone that knows anything about target markets... We should all take a fucking step back and think about the first rules of selling shit. You have to FIND your Avatar. The idea you can cancel a business is fucking idiotic. ? The further you niche down in your business, the Better off you are. You have more: -customers -revenue -purpose Afraid your business is going to get “cancelled” if you stand up for your beliefs? Fuck it. Time to niche down on your avatar. News flash, there’s more people that think what’s going on in this world is fucked. Find them. If you want to attract like minded people, you can. Be bold. Stop being soft. If you’re a face diaper nazi.... go find more face diaper Nazis. They are out there. If you follow science and think face diapers are worthless, go find other people who like science too. It’s time to get back to the basics. Those basics are... THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE COUNTRY. NOT TO COMMIT CRIMES, BUT THE FREEDOM TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT. Fuck the thought police. Fuck giant corps dictating and instilling fear. We still have capitalism. LET’S act like it. Build better shit. Target your Avatar and stop cowering like pussies. Ready go. If you want to build something and don’t know where to start follow this guy... @ryandanielmoran #capitalism #freedom #freedomofspeech #business #entrepreneur #blackriflecoffee #marketing #cancelculture
Instagram LogoT R I G G E R A L E R T. Race ?? It’s time to have a talk. ?? I just spent 3 days in Atlanta as the minority. I was the white girl surrounded by 97% black people. It was fucking rad. THE MEDIA IS PLAYING US. The “woke” professors, the authors of white guilt books, they are delusional. We are all humans. Period. It’s time to start looking at each other that way. The white asshole that shot the Asian girls was a sex addict and he associated those girls careers with that of his porn fantasies. Instead of crying race maybe we should be ANTI PORN. The porn industry has gotten out of fucking control. It’s disgusting, instead of going after the perversions of human nature, the media and your stupid politicians are playing the race card. Asian & black gangs have been fighting forever, and white ppl are assholes, this issue isn’t new. It’s also not what motivated the shooting. America has racist tendencies, because the media is playing us and our parents and grandparents have passed down their hurt + some stupidity. We should never forget. We can’t erase the past. We have learn from it. WE NEED TO MOVE FORWARD. It’s time to change the narrative. We have come a long way in this country. Let’s have productive conversations about moving forward. Guess what? Those authors of the white guilt books DO NOT want that. The media that has lied to you about Trumps “racist” comments that they edited together and lied to you about, they don’t want it. Here’s what I learned, that I’m right about us all.... Race doesn’t matter. We are human. We like the same shit. We can always find common ground when we want to. Ask yourself if you need to take personal responsibility for how you walk into a room. If you’re white and the minority, do you make assumptions about what the room thinks of you? If you’re black and the minority, do you make assumptions about what the room thinks about you? Same for any race.... We have to ditch the old guard ways. We have to stop the assumptions. Our generation needs to move this shit forward. PERSPECTIVE CHANGES? I’m thankful for my new friends. ?? btw... they are also Republicans ?